• Financial Literacy Education
First and foremost, we seek to conduct financial literacy education programs Financial education is the foundation of financial independence. We will continue to struggle financially without it. Knowing more demonstrates a dedication to financial education. We can't act on what we don't know, and not knowing is killing us. The key to achieving our own financial breakthroughs is financial education. Gaining more knowledge is the first great investment we can make, and it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Investing in ourselves to educate ourselves, develop skills, and never be locked out again due to a lack of financial education.
AABP place a premium on learning and development so that black people do not miss out on great economic booms or new opportunities for wealth creation.
Consider a world in which black people have the ability to become financially educated. What would occur? Black South Africans would not only know more, but they would also begin to own more and invest in the future generation.
• Wise Spending Education and Campaign
Knowing more will help us shift our mindset away from spending our money on things that will not help us build wealth. Our understanding of ourselves, others, and the passage of time should compel us to be more frugal in our spending. Unnecessary spending on alcohol, cigarettes, expensive cars, clothes, and other items has done more to lead us astray than anything else. AABP seeks to teach black people about wise spending and to stop wasting billions of rands on alcohol and cigarettes. Consider how much money we save if we stop buying alcohol or cigarettes for a month. Imagine what we can accomplish with money?
• Savings
To build wealth, we must first be wealth creators. This necessitates saving. Saving one rand a day could have a significant impact on our future. Everyone can save 7 Rand per week as an investment in their future, whether they are in school, unemployed, receiving a grant, working, owning a business, attending church, belonging to a worker’s union, a business organization, a non-governmental organization, and so on. It would be easy. We can use the collective power of our rands to create a better future for ourselves. With 1 rand per day, 7 rand per week, and 28 rand per month and 336 a year multiplied by 30 million black people, we'd have 10 billion in a year and 30 billion after three years. AABP seeks to educate and promote the culture of saving amongst black people. We have created a platform to allow our people to save and invest together.
• Invest/Own More
We can seek to own more once we know more and start saving. Having more means amassing significant wealth. In other words, we won't be able to accumulate more of the right kinds of assets unless we become financially educated and start saving. By taking charge of our financial education and saving, we can improve not only our own but also the lives of our families. Owning more is embracing the mindset of our forefathers, who fought colonialism and apartheid with one goal in mind: "to own their own land."
AABP to educate and promote the culture of investing amongst black people. As a people we need to invest in land, property, business, entrepreneurship, build companies that we can list in the Stock Exchange. We need to invest in commercial solutions that solve the major problems of health, education, housing, hunger, unemployment and access to affordable goods and services. and skills. and skills. More wealth is created by investing in commercial and cash generating assets.
We need to own more companies in the stock exchange. We need to own more businesses as black people. Everything revolves around ownership. Ownership is synonymous with liberty. Life is about ownership. Ownership is the way of the future.
• Growing Black owned businesses
We need to be more deliberate in our support for and investment in black-owned businesses. Money culture encourages black ownership in all forms. We can put our money where black business owners have taken risks. Creating a supportive environment for black-owned businesses particularly in broad-based businesses, are critical means of accumulating wealth. Healthy black-owned businesses could be critical to the development of a black economy. AABP will be running a campaign “Buy Black and Build Black” to promote black owned businesses.
• Building Black Owned Financial Institutions
We must create black-owned financial institutions because they are the foundations of wealth creation. Why do we invest in banks and other financial institutions that do not benefit our community? How many good ideas are buried in graves because banks refused to fund their generators? How many communities have land and mineral resources but are unable to use them productively due to a lack of capital? How many bright young people with brilliant business ideas are languishing on the streets of our townships and rural areas because they are deemed high-risk by banks? How many small and medium-sized black-owned businesses have failed or are stagnant as a result of a lack of capital?
AABP with its partners will be working towards establishing black owned financial institutions to build and support the black owned economy.
• Legacy Wealth
As we accumulate wealth and assets, we must plan to leave future generations a life free of poverty. We can't give away what we don't own. Passing down debt and rent payments is not the same as passing down real estate for them to collect rents, cash-generating assets, and wealth. This program is aimed at ensuring that black people build generational wealth to ensure that never and never again shall we bequeath to our posterity poverty.
• Mobilizing Black Professionals
The success of the black owned economic system requires all hands-on deck. We recognize that in order to create, we must harness the power of black professionals. We will mobilize black professionals to volunteer their time and skills as mentors, advisors, coaches, and professional service providers.
• Creating a Culture of Excellence
AABP aspires to create a long-lasting culture of excellence throughout the black community. We want to teach our people how to maximize their potential, pursue hypergrowth, build effective black communities, and effect long-term change. The key to shifting our communities from the status quo to an expectation of excellence is the culture of your community. When we create an exceptional culture, we create capacity and a structure that empowers, focuses, and engages people. The community culture will lay a solid foundation for us to achieve our wealth creation goal. We will develop programs to teach our employees the following key characteristics of an excellence culture: purpose and meaning, high performance focus, clear vision, acceptance of change, challenges and growth, and a pioneer mentality.
• Building Sustainable black communities
Black communities have repeatedly demonstrated strength, resilience, and a commitment to caring for one another in the face of disaster. Through education, organizing, and economics, AABP seeks to nurture this spirit and work to positively influence and mobilize youth and young adults in order to achieve sustainable and equitable black communities. We envision a future in which Black communities are self-determined, recognize their ability to effect change, and take actions that result in social and cultural transformation.
No black family should go to bed hungry; no black child should lack education or perform poorly; no black person should use drugs; and no black person should be homeless or unemployed. Crime should not have an impact on any black community. Nobody should be denied access to high-quality health care because they are black. We want to mobilize our people's financial, human, and intellectual resources to create sustainable communities with food, quality schools, health care services, housing, jobs, and safety, as well as other programs that build strong communities and safety for all.